Sunday, October 30, 2016

#4 Six Minute English

Are we there yet?

This week, the episode that I listened to is "Are we there yet?" and it is talking about time. I think this subject is interesting. This episode discussed why some weeks just fly by but sometimes minutes seem like hours? and why do we perceive time differently in different circumstances?

According to a new study, smaller animals perceive time as if it is passing in slow motion. Small animals such as insects and small birds can observe more detail in a certain period of time – for example, a second – than larger animals. It helps them by giving them time to escape larger predators.
I didn't know before that animals and humans have different perception of time. Animals don't get bored doing nothing all day.

It's a strange trick of memory that in a scary situation your brain starts to record everything in great detail. And the more memory you have of an event, the longer you believe it took. This idea explains why children often feel that time is passing slowly – because their experiences are new, and they are creating lots of new memories.
When humans are in danger, our brain will think about how to escape the danger.

If you can spend your weekend filling it with loads of new different activities, it'll go fast, at the time, because you're having fun. But when you look back, say, on Sunday night, and you've got to go to work next day, it will feel as if your weekend was long, because you filled it with new memories.
Just like how you feel time passes slowly when you are in a boring lesson, you will also feel that time passes too quickly when you are in an interesting lesson.

So, this weekend, what are you thinking about? Definitely. Think about creating loads of new memories.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

#3 ESLPod.Com

It is difficult for me to be able to listen and understand the dialogues, but firstly, I try to look up the words that I do not understand, then I listen to the dialogues once again.
The dialogues in ESL Podcast are spoken very slowly, so it is suitable for beginners. Listen to the dialogues several times and you'll get used to it.
I think ESL Podcast is a tool that is suitable for me to learn English, and it will also help me to improve my listening skill.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

#2 ESL Cyber Listening Lab

Just a haircut, please!


1.trim (verb): cut just a little off - He got his hair trimmed yesterday at a beauty salon.
--> trim something to make something neater, smaller, better, etc., by cutting parts from it
--> trim something (off something) | trim something (off/away) to cut away unnecessary parts from something
--> [usually passive] trim something (with something) to decorate something, especially around its edges
Example: He trimmed his hair carefully .

2.adjustments (noun): small changes or modifications - Please wait a minute. I need to make a few adjustments to the equipment before we begin.
-->a small change made to something in order to correct or improve it
-->a change in the way a person behaves or thinks
Example: The company made an adjustment in my salary .

3.butcher (verb): to kill, and in this case, to cut without care - My brother tried to cut his own hair with school scissors and without a mirror, and he really butchered it badly.
--> a person whose job is cutting up and selling meat in a shop/store or killing animals for this purpose
--> butcher’s (pl. butchers) a shop/store that sells meat
--> a person who kills people in a cruel and violent way
Example: The dictator butchered dissidents . charge (adjective): in control - She is in charge of the new project.
--> the person who is officially responsible for a department, etc.
Example: Who is in charge here ? 

5.decent (adjective): nice, acceptable, proper - The students did a decent job on the class presentation.
--> of a good enough standard or quality
--> (of people or behaviour) honest and fair; treating people with respect
--> acceptable to people in a particular situation
--> (informal) wearing enough clothes to allow somebody to see you
Example: For a week he didn't have a decent meal .

Sunday, October 9, 2016

#1 Greetings!

Hello, everyone. Welcome to my Blog. I am Shu-Han Chuang (莊舒涵). My English name is Sophia. I was born in New Taipei City. I am an introverted person. I am highly skilled in using the computer.
I am now studying at the National Taipei University of Business, and I'm a sophomore in the Department of Business Administration.
I am currently taking Computer Assisted Language Learning Course, and I created this blog to help me in my English learning process. 
Nice to meet you all~