Saturday, October 15, 2016

#2 ESL Cyber Listening Lab

Just a haircut, please!


1.trim (verb): cut just a little off - He got his hair trimmed yesterday at a beauty salon.
--> trim something to make something neater, smaller, better, etc., by cutting parts from it
--> trim something (off something) | trim something (off/away) to cut away unnecessary parts from something
--> [usually passive] trim something (with something) to decorate something, especially around its edges
Example: He trimmed his hair carefully .

2.adjustments (noun): small changes or modifications - Please wait a minute. I need to make a few adjustments to the equipment before we begin.
-->a small change made to something in order to correct or improve it
-->a change in the way a person behaves or thinks
Example: The company made an adjustment in my salary .

3.butcher (verb): to kill, and in this case, to cut without care - My brother tried to cut his own hair with school scissors and without a mirror, and he really butchered it badly.
--> a person whose job is cutting up and selling meat in a shop/store or killing animals for this purpose
--> butcher’s (pl. butchers) a shop/store that sells meat
--> a person who kills people in a cruel and violent way
Example: The dictator butchered dissidents . charge (adjective): in control - She is in charge of the new project.
--> the person who is officially responsible for a department, etc.
Example: Who is in charge here ? 

5.decent (adjective): nice, acceptable, proper - The students did a decent job on the class presentation.
--> of a good enough standard or quality
--> (of people or behaviour) honest and fair; treating people with respect
--> acceptable to people in a particular situation
--> (informal) wearing enough clothes to allow somebody to see you
Example: For a week he didn't have a decent meal .

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