Saturday, December 31, 2016

#10 MOOC: edX

Nutrition Around You  身邊的營養學

Peking University
Based on common cases in daily life, this introductory course provides an overview of the principles of nutritional sciences. You will learn about the features, physiological functions, and food sources of nutrients.
Syllabus & Timing
  •   Week One:蛋白質(Protein)
  •   Week Two:脂類 (Lipids)
  •   Week Three:碳水化合物 (Carbohydrate)
  •   Week Four:膳食纖維 (Dietary Fiber)
  •   Week Five:維生素 (Vitamins)
  •   Week Six:礦物質 (Minerals) 
  •   Week Seven:水 (Water)  

Sunday, December 18, 2016

#9 TED Talk

5 techniques to speak any language | Sid Efromovich | TEDxUpperEastSide

1. acquisition(noun)[uncountable] the act of getting something, especially knowledge, a skill, etc. theories of child language acquisition - He devotes his time to the acquisition of knowledge .

2. alternative(noun): a thing that you can choose to do or have out of two or more possibilities - We can agree to their terms or else pull out of the deal completely: those are the two alternatives.

3. embark(verb)to get onto a ship; to put something onto a ship - We stood on the pier and watched as they embarked.

4. haggle(verb): [intransitive] haggle (with somebody) (over something) to argue with somebody in order to reach an agreement, especially about the price of something - We spent a long time haggling with the authorities over our visas.

5. precise(adjective)clear and accurate, synonym exact, precise details/ instructions/ measurements - I can be reasonably precise about the time of the incident.

5 techniques to speak any language
1. Make Mistakes
2. Scrap the Foreign Alphabet
3. Find a Stickler
4. Shower Conversations
5. Buddy Formula